Drug & Alcohol Helpline | Phoenixville Office of Emergency Management | PA Recovery

Drug & Alcohol Helpline | Phoenixville Office of Emergency Management | Addiction Support
Pennsylvania Recovery Center is proud to partner with the Phoenixville Office of Emergency Management to offer a free 24/7 drug & alcohol helpline. This service is not only for Phoenixville residents, but anyone who might be struggling. Due to the Covid-19 global pandemic we have seen a spike in alcohol withdrawal due to Governor Wolf's order to shut down all Pennsylvania liquor stores. The mental stress and anxiety caused by the coronavirus has caused individuals to turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to cope. We created this drug & alcohol helpline as a free service, and to give back to our community. A peer specialist will answer the phone 24/7 to offer support for those in need, and provide placement for treatment services if needed such as detox, rehab, or outpatient.
You Are Not Alone
Over 60 percent of Pennsylvania adults drink alcohol, and half are considered binge drinkers according to a study by SafeHome.org. Only a fraction of these individuals reach out for help with their drinking problem. Families and friends can be the biggest reason a person decides to get help. It is important to come from a place of love when intervening on a loved ones drinking or drugging. The best way to address it is to be as direct and honest as possible. A person cannot recover from there addiction if it continues to be hidden, and not addressed. It might seem scary at first, but families that speak up will undoubtedly start the process of getting help sooner.
If you have noticed your friend or family drinking or using drugs more frequently don't hesitate to call us at 800-638-5370. We are here to help.
Need Detox or Rehab?
Submit your insurance now, and we will help.
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