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Category: Phoenixville

Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Substance Use Disorder: A Comprehensive Guide to Early Intervention

Substance Use Disorder is a pressing issue that affects millions of individuals worldwide, cutting across all demographics and social strata. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol addiction is crucial for early intervention and improved treatment outcomes. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the physical, behavioral, and psychological indicators of substance…
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Navigating the Aftercare Process: What to Expect After Substance Abuse Inpatient Treatment

Navigating the Aftercare Process: What to Expect After Substance Abuse Treatment Completing a substance abuse treatment program is a significant achievement, but it’s only the first step in a lifelong journey of recovery. Aftercare is a critical aspect of the recovery process, as it provides ongoing support and resources to help individuals maintain their sobriety…
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5 Common Myths About Addiction Treatment Debunked: Why It’s Time to Set the Record Straight

Addiction is a complex disease that affects millions of Americans every year. Despite this, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding addiction treatment that can prevent people from seeking the help they need. In this blog post, we’ll debunk five common myths about addiction treatment and provide you with the information you need to make…
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Breathwork: An Ancient Practice to Enhance Addiction & Mental Health Recovery

What is breathwork for addiction and mental health recovery? Breath work has been used for thousands of years in various cultures and traditions for spiritual, mental, and physical health. Addiction and mental health issues also have been around for thousands of years. Some of the earliest recorded use of breath work can be traced back…
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What is the Gold Standard for treatment outcomes? PRC uses the BARC-10

  Why do individuals return to use of drugs and alcohol despite completing treatment? When working in a clinical setting with individuals who struggle with SUD (Substance Use Disorders) and AUD (Alcohol Use disorders) the primary objectives are to help them develop the necessary insight and skills to achieve lifelong remission. The puzzling question remains,…
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How efficacious is the use of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs for the clinical treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder?

Does Alcoholics Anonymous actually work? Cochrane Study Answers. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) has a broad burden of disease, disability, and premature death, and comes with high economic costs. Individuals with AUD experience personal, interpersonal, and familial distress, loss of productivity, accidents, violence, incarceration, and increased healthcare utilization compared to individuals without the disorder. For over…
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What’s it like living at a Recovery House for Addiction Recovery in Pennsylvania?

What’s it like living at a Recovery House for addiction recovery in Pennsylvania?  Hear from a former resident! Throughout my journey to Recovery, I had been to a few Recovery Housing Programs. Most of the time I would end up there simply cause I had nowhere to go or it was suggested by the treatment…
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Drug & Alcohol Helpline | Phoenixville Office of Emergency Management | PA Recovery

Drug & Alcohol Helpline | Phoenixville Office of Emergency Management | Addiction Support 800-638-5370 Pennsylvania Recovery Center is proud to partner with the Phoenixville Office of Emergency Management to offer a free 24/7 drug & alcohol helpline. This service is not only for Phoenixville residents, but anyone who might be struggling.  Due to the Covid-19…
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