710 Wheatland Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460
610-233-4342 Call For Help


10 Things Living A Sober Life Can Do For You

1. Authentic Friendships No fake friends where the real friends at?! In the midst of an alcohol or drug addiction where you are partying every day it may seem like you have a lot of “friends”. In reality, these are your drunk buddies and fellow drug users. It is a completely surface relationship which disappears…
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Drug Overdose Statistics and How You Can Help

Drug overdose rates continue to rise every single year. Drug addiction is an epidemic that has taken a huge toll on society and the economy. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 64,070 people died from drug overdoses in 2016. • It is a 21% increase from the year before of overdoses…
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Drug and Alcohol Evaluations | Phoenixville, PA | Chester County

  Drug & Alcohol Evaluations in Phoenixville, PA | Chester County According to NCADD over 50% of the current prison population will meet DSM-V criteria for substance use disorder or alcohol use disorder and is clinically addicted. We do not have a crime problem in our country we have an addiction problem. Crime is an…
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Alcoholics Anonymous: Why Some People Love The 12 Steps and Others Do Not

Alcoholics Anonymous has been a staple in the recovery community for decades. It is a standard part of the Twelve Step Program, which was founded on religious ideals. The Twelve Step Program has since been modified to be a more spiritual solution to addiction. Some people absolutely love Alcoholics Anonymous, while others do not. Background:…
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Addiction treatment in Chester County, Pennsylvania | Do I have An Addictive Personality?

Drug and alcohol addictions are extremely complicated and complex. Everyone has their own experiences and reasons behind why they use alcohol and drugs. However, research suggests that there are certain personality traits that are associated with developing an addiction. Specialists call that term an “addictive personality.” This belief pertains to people who have a set…
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Identifying and Overcoming Triggers In Early Recovery

What Are Triggers? When we become angry because someone is rude, we can identify a trigger. When we become jealous over a loved one, we can identify a trigger. When we are uncomfortable in or around a situation, we experience a trigger. They specifically work by creating a response from us, whether good, bad, or…
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Incarceration vs. Rehabilitation

For years, the answer has always been to criminalize drug addicts. More frequently, it has been proven that arresting an addict does nothing to help addiction. Incarceration is not an effective form of rehabilitation because abstinence is not recovery. Therapy and medication management are key factors in maintaining sobriety, which are services not provided in jail.…
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Choosing The Right Intensive Outpatient Program

Important Questions You Need to Ask Every Intensive Outpatient Program Drug and alcohol treatment is done in several steps. First is detox, then is inpatient, followed by an Intensive Outpatient Program. With so many different aftercare options to choose from, this can become very overwhelming when making a decision. We hope that by reading this…
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Percocet Addiction To Green Jacket &https://pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/wp-content/cache/background-css/1/pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/?wpr_t=17432877088211; Tiger Wood&https://pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/wp-content/cache/background-css/1/pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/?wpr_t=17432877088217;s Miraculous Recovery

Percocet Addiction Tiger Woods was the 1996 Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year. He won his first Master’s in 1997, and was the youngest to do so at the age of 21. The man was a prodigy professional golf had never seen. A sensation that secured sponsors like Nike, and racked up billions of dollars…
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The Top 3 Signs of Alcoholism

There are many different classifications of drinking. Not all of them necessarily mean a person is an alcoholic. So, how can you tell if your loved one is suffering from alcoholism? Read below for a few signs of alcoholism. Warning Signs of Alcohol Addiction   1. Yourself, or your loved one, cannot stop drinking. They…
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