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How efficacious is the use of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs for the clinical treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder?

Does Alcoholics Anonymous actually work? Cochrane Study Answers. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) has a broad burden of disease, disability, and premature death, and comes with high economic costs. Individuals with AUD experience personal, interpersonal, and familial distress, loss of productivity, accidents, violence, incarceration, and increased healthcare utilization compared to individuals without the disorder. For over…
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What&https://pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/wp-content/cache/background-css/1/pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/?wpr_t=17432633658217;s it like living at a Recovery House for Addiction Recovery in Pennsylvania?

What&https://pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/wp-content/cache/background-css/1/pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/?wpr_t=17432633658217;s it like living at a Recovery House for addiction recovery in Pennsylvania?  Hear from a former resident! Throughout my journey to Recovery, I had been to a few Recovery Housing Programs. Most of the time I would end up there simply cause I had nowhere to go or it was suggested by the treatment…
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Why are the 12 steps important in addiction recovery? An answer from a recovered alcoholic

Why are the 12 Steps important to addiction Recovery? Hear the opinion of one recovered alcoholic: Through my personal life experiences and during the last 5 years of recovery one of the major things I learned was that the 12 steps are one of the key reasons why I am still here today. Without working…
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Seeking Safety: Therapeutic Approach to Addiction &https://pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/wp-content/cache/background-css/1/pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/?wpr_t=1743263365038; PTSD

Seeking Safety Helps You Recover from Trauma & Substance Use Disorder Many people who have substance use disorders have experienced trauma as children or adults (SAMHSA TIP 57). In addition, the lifestyle associated with substance abuse may subject people to higher rates of traumatic experiences (retraumatization).  Among those who seek treatment for substance abuse and…
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EMDR at Pennsylvania Recovery Center

Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) offered at Pennsylvania Recovery Center A Nation of Trauma We are a traumatized nation with 60% of men and 50% of females in this country experiencing at least one trauma in their lifetime. Approximately 15 million adults can be clinically diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at some point…
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Learn More About CBT Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) If you’ve ever been to drug and alcohol treatment centers before, you have probably heard the term CBT quite a few times. It stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and it is used to change a negative thought process into a positive one. This form of therapy is beneficial in drug and…
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Philadelphia&https://pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/wp-content/cache/background-css/1/pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/?wpr_t=17432633658217;s Opioid Epidemic

You may have noticed headlines recently about the crime in inner city communities. According to whyy.org, crime rate has risen 2% specifically in the Philadelphia area since last year. There is a growing opioid epidemic within the community, affecting mainly young adults and deadly overdoses within the city have reached an estimate 1,250. So what…
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The Definition of Sobriety- What Does It Mean To Be Sober?

What Does It Mean to be “Sober”? You may have heard the word sober, often in 12 step groups, recovery culture, and even drug and alcohol treatment centers to describe recovery. It’s usually the common goal when trying to get off of any mind or mood altering substance— but what does it mean to be…
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What Are The Signs Of Alcohol Addiction?

The Early Signs Of Alcohol Addiction Alcohol is apart of our daily lives. We see it in restaurants, stadiums, grocery stores, commercials, and billboards. If you are looking for it, there is always a way to find it. Some individuals can maintain a healthy lifestyle while drinking. On the other hand, there are those who…
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Is Medication-Assisted Treatment For Me?

What is MAT?  According to the SAMHSA, Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is the use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. Over the last 10 years we have seen an increase in medication-assisted treatment used on individuals that are recovering from drug…
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