710 Wheatland Street, Phoenixville, PA 19460
610-233-4342 Call For Help


What Is Fentanyl Abuse?

What Is Fentanyl? We see news articles often about it, and sometimes it is prescribed to individuals for chronic pain. Other times, it&https://pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/wp-content/cache/background-css/1/pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/?wpr_t=17432946998217;s being bought off of the street. But what actually is fentanyl? Fentanyl is a fast-acting prescription pain killer and it is more potent than morphine. It is relatively easy to develop a…
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What Is Dual Diagnosis?

People around the world have their own theories and opinions about substance abuse. One of the greatest misconceptions of addiction is that it’s always accompanied by a mental health diagnosis. Although it is seen quite often, that is not always the case. Substance use disorder is already classified as a mental illness, so how do…
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Former Flyers Player Chris Therien opens Addiction Treatment Center in Philadelphia with Pennsylvania Recovery Center

Philadelphia Flyer fights against addiction Chris Therien and Pennsylvania Recovery Center are proud to announce a partnership for a new location in the iconic Fishtown section of Philadelphia. As a former professional hockey player defenseman Chris knows a thing or two about being tough. Just to play professionally in this city you have to be.…
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Protected: Recovery Advocates Share Story of Addiction with Local High School Amid Pandemic

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Drug &https://pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/wp-content/cache/background-css/1/pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/?wpr_t=1743294699038; Alcohol Helpline | Phoenixville Office of Emergency Management | PA Recovery

Drug & Alcohol Helpline | Phoenixville Office of Emergency Management | Addiction Support 800-638-5370 Pennsylvania Recovery Center is proud to partner with the Phoenixville Office of Emergency Management to offer a free 24/7 drug & alcohol helpline. This service is not only for Phoenixville residents, but anyone who might be struggling.  Due to the Covid-19…
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Telehealth Drug &https://pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/wp-content/cache/background-css/1/pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/?wpr_t=1743294699038; Alcohol Outpatient Rehab

Telehealth Drug & Alcohol Outpatient Rehab Pennsylvania Recovery is proud to announce Telehealth drug & alcohol outpatient rehab services. In accordance with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf&https://pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/wp-content/cache/background-css/1/pennsylvaniarecoverycenter.org/?wpr_t=17432946998217;s orders to stay at home we will not be having our group and individual sessions on-site as of March 16th, 2020. This is in an effort to flatten the…
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Forgiving After Addiction

Drug addiction is a lifelong journey that has many pitfalls. Some addicts start taking a drug to relieve painful symptoms from a physical injury and eventually become addicted. Others turn to drugs to numb emotional pain. Alcohol can be a little trickier because it’s such a big part of everyday life and is more socially…
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Do Addiction Treatment Centers Treat Mental Health Issues?

Mental Health Treatment Mental health treatment is a crucial factor a family should consider when determining what facility inpatient or outpatient they are sending their loved one to. There is a huge difference in inpatient facilities that predominantly treat addiction over mental health. To tell if the facility you are speaking to has adequate staff…
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PA Recovery Center In Network with Blue Cross Blue Shield

Pennsylvania Recovery Center is now in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield We are proud to announce we are now officially contracted with Magellan Health. This contract is effective immediately and members can now access our Intensive Outpatient & Outpatient services with ease as we are now recommended and approved provider. The network includes the following…
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Is Suboxone Maintenance Treatment Effective?

  Suboxone Maintenance in Pennsylvania The controversy over this life-saving medication should not even exist. Suboxone, which is made up of Buprenorphine, and Naloxone SAVES LIVES. Say it louder for the people in the back! Despite what your local internet troll/keyboard warrior writes on Facebook community groups or articles about addiction medication-assisted treatment(MAT) works. Why?…
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